Kicked started the final year today. Now, for all the hype and hoopla surrounding this 'Final Year' thingy, i don't know why it hasn't hit me with that force which renders you a bit mellow and senti to the core that yes, you are the next and well, the last now. But i know it will happen. And how! will it, is what i am waiting to see.
It is said that to understand the importance of detachment, you have to be hopelessly, first, be attached to something/someone. And boy, when it comes to that, i am a perfect emotional goofball. I can't even begin count the number of people here who happen to be so very close to me and the place, well, it's another story altogether.
The things that we have done here are, well to begin with crazy. But there so many of them, all different in a extrovert way, but still connected to a shear undying pursuit of doing something crazy, or extra. And thus we had making robots, making miniature IC engine cars, making full sixe hybrid vehicles, running forums related to human resource development, travelling 1053 Kms attending conferences, publishing newsletter, taking plunge into entrepreneurship, organising events pertaining to different intresets, conducting quiz, loiterring around campus every morning, sitting around, sometimes even lying down in canteen doing nothing. Ah!...awesome.
And here stands one more year, with its promise to offer whole of this range again. And for us to do it one more time, if not the last time. But atleast the for the last time a place where this all started. and can no longer be more patient.
Am hopping on this mad crazy bandwagon....expecting good things and being pessimistic alike. SO bring it on. The Begining Of The End.