It sometimes occurs to me, that some of us are engaged in practicing
certain set of ‘things’. These things, which if continuously practiced, will
spew out ye many number of people who are disgruntled, frustrated, unsatisfied
and apathy ridden on both sides of all the tables, I so feel.
Let’s start by asking some questions.
What is our societal culture like? What does it rewards? What does it
appreciate? What does it tacitly encourage? By 'our' I mean the 'people like
us' bubble in which we – the second generation, Indian urban youth – were brought
in. Where, our everyday-maneuver is not an undertaking in ensuring our
survival. Where we know, before-hand, and are sure about, the outlet from where
our next set of daily 2800 KCal requirement and pocket currency is going to
dutifully present itself from. This surety, even as it incites creativity, and
refined thought-process, propels ignorance and lethargy. It is sort of a shot
of opium for the head. As all it then has to do is direct the energies gained
into furthering of the 'Ego'.
'Ego' - which puts into picture the ‘Self’. Self-preservation, self
gratification, self identification, self expression - all those aspects which
furnish to the need of external validation of this very ‘Self’. And mind you,
this idea of 'self' was very important when we tried to hunt in packs and
ensure that our community lives to the see the next day. The need to be
'accepted', ‘applauded’, ‘appreciated’, ‘envied’, 'feared'. The current times in which this 'people like
us' bubble exists, makes all these aspects and their perceived importance a bit
redundant, I so feel. Hence this ego doubles up as our alter-self, whose only
job then remains is to 'create' a ‘personality’. Where every word that leaves
our mouth should come out of a motive which would help us create this
'personality' better. My inner corruptions – to exaggerate an occurrence
because the inflated form helps me further my agenda of getting the idea
transmitted 'effectively' and ‘undisputed’, or say, to downplay the aspect of
another grey-area occurrence, thereby bypassing the ordeal of dealing with the
repercussions which it might entail shall it go out unchecked, unfiltered,
uncensored – and many more of my such little deceitful streaks of human
fallibility. All of them will come out full blown and in vibrant colors –
Tom-tom-ing only the 'positives', either real or manufactured. Everything
guided by the fear of the unknown. Quite frequently, it’s a contrived effort to
mask the myriad dysfunctions that exist in our lives by airbrushing off
anything remotely afoot. (Think here: Why 'Facebook' is actually such a big
Just look at what happens then, there's now 'motive' behind everything.
Everything I write, I speak, I do, I ignore. Everything. Nothing is done for
the sake of just doing it, but it is done so that in the next 50 steps of
cause-and-effect carousel, something 'works-out' for me. Something. This spike
in snobbery, disdain, hypocrisy, and narcissistic behavior out of ye many
reasons discussed above, when extrapolated to the matter of bullying
someone/some group into accepting what ‘I’ feel is correct, makes tremendous
This need to carve out a new pathway on which a new personality can be
based onto, leads to people over-promising and under-delivering. Most of the
time if not always,. It is what is at work when you see someone curse and cuss
because they are ‘cool’, 'the in-thing', and ‘hip’. It is what is at work when
see someone not attend show up at a place to where it assumed they would or at
times, expected of them to, because "look at me, I am the bad-ass, the
anti-establishmentarian, the destroyer of the 'authority figure', the
disregarder of societal formats.’Like' me already on my FB Album!" . This
is what is work when you see people half filling rectangular pegs in round cavities
at work, just to generate a fake status report which depicts a fabricated 's'
shaped progress curve, so that "I 'get' the ‘incentives’. The quality of
the work be dammed. I need the dough to acquire materials and participate in
the pop-culture of consumerism. Thereby ‘own’ stuff which’s termed ‘Owner’s
pride and neighbor’s envy’. That I am better than someone else and that that someone secretly envies what all I
seem to have, is the only reassurance I need to get by the day."
But, society ‘wants’ you to ‘need’ things. So, yeah, I guess…
But, this phenomenon is just so everywhere in our 'people-like-us'
bubble. Isn't it? People fail to realize that constantly impressing others is
not only exhausting, but also costly, time-consuming, and off-putting. In the
foray to get ahead, people are increasingly sacrificing integrity and
compassion for a life of sham and a false sense of respectability. Overall, the
riptide of social consciousness is making the inhabitant of this 'people like
us' bubble fearful, self-absorbed, ostentatious, and disengaged from ‘inner’
reality. This inner reality, which when lit up and strived upon to get to, is
what generates the 'greater-good'. To forgo it just because we want to portray ourself
as someone who is too cool for the mainstream – not in a 'maverick by virtue'
kind of a way but a 'fake hipster' kind of a way, unsure of one’s own actual
capacity – seems mind numbingly stupid.
Of course, this all is just putting on all fours what slowly will
develop into something called 'mankind behavioral pattern', something to be
looked at in retrospect and be dissected to hilt to derive an understanding of
how one's culture shapes one's behavior. Stuff of academic interest for some, and
things to be amused by for others (me).
But should we? Should we keep continuing this relay of back-slapping?
Or, shall I say, should a part of the 'people like us' bubble not turn around
and question, ‘why is this happening?’ And, ‘why should it keep happening?’ I
mean, I sometimes wonder what are we human beings if not some resource hogging,
perennially cribbing, ‘the other’ hating, lying, corruptible blobs of imperfection.
But then, I get the answer: This deep seated imperfection is such an important
aspect of the larger-than-the-self perfection which warps the whole existence. It
this streak of imperfection that is present here to dole out required amount of
moral and ethical dilemmas which we should encounter, we wade through this
brief window of sentience which we have being offered by some over-riding
potent power which we'll ever understand. All our lies, our dishonesty, our
lives fraught with hypocritical thought-streams, xenophobic instincts, greed,
laziness, short-cut-ism....must be put to use. Or else all we'll be involved in
doing is increase the amount of carbon dioxide in the air as we exhale....and
systematically notching up the per-capita fraud of this blue-green-dot floating
carelessly around a center of the many centers.
Hence, all these aspects should co-exist for all these aspects to evolve
in good time. Just as what an Earthworm is to Agriculture so is this reversibility
inducing, proverbial opposite opinion, so to say. As Swami Vivekananda once
said, "No one goes from the ‘false’ to the ‘truth’; all just go from one ‘truth’
to the other’ truth’." Everything is necessary. This potential difference
is what makes the world go round. This Universe – of which I too am an organic
product – has an embedded self-correcting/self-balancing, neutral, unbiased
mechanism. Hence, regardless of me getting all worked up about pointlessly reflecting
upon it or not, everything is already alright. And will continue to be so.
I know, the utter of pointlessness
of it all. Sorry for wasting your time.
Awesome! :)
#Consciousness #Retrospection
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