Is it just us or did September really flew away like it was never here? Crazy thing, huh, ‘Time’, isn’t it? Well, time to help it push the accelerator up hard again and enter into the month of – October.
The curious month will witness the onset of a leaf-falling, rejuvenating and revitalizing Autumn for us people and a breezy, maritime-ical, comfortably cool Spring for the South Hemispherians. And the zing of this new-ness is just too omnipresent for us, people in the campus, to miss it. Hoards of GETs, bubbling with fresh ideas and conviction ridden idealism have flocked into our campus recently. Enlightenment wishes to extend to them a most warm welcome. The new temporary Canteen porta-cabin coming up is a sign of the New for the land that we are on. Soon there’ll be structures around reaching for the azure, and that would dot an another ‘New’. New too is the initiatives, the endeavours, the activities taken up by many groups present on the campus – Whether it be CREST’s hugly popular ‘Quizofire’, or LnT Dhanush’s any of the many projects it undertakes – The Vollyeball tournament won by L&T-MHI and just recently, the Football Cup taken home by L&T-Valdel, or be it the members of Ladies club, ever on toes to enter a place and never leave out without spreading a hundred smiles. The sparkle of the said ‘New’ is both humbling and invigorating.
The bygone month saw a massive earthquake jolt the regions on and around the Himalayan belt. We wish for the situation in Sikkim to quickly return to the quintessential normal as we send out a bout of positive energy for all the life-forms still stuck deep there. May we all set aside a moment of quietude to lend them some vital vigour as we go by.
Time ahead seems dotted with a lot of festivity vibe, sweet-tooth surrender and umpteen train/flight itinerary tickets printouts. Starting with Durga Puja to Dushera to Diwali and many other manifestations of our fragrant, diverse culture we have reasons abound to let our feet up and spend times of merriment among family and friends. And the ‘said’ merriment is already on-the-mark to get-set-go! Starting today we have children and family members from our extended family coming in to witness Magic Shows, take part in Painting and Fancy dress competition and make some beautiful Rangolis as they go about it. And ‘let-their-hair-down’ they would. What with an electric ‘Dandiya Nite’ planned right after this all by our friends from the Ladies Club. So, here’s looking forward to have the colours and hues imbibed in tonight to extrapolate their effect to an entire month.
So here’s taking your leave as we serve you with this month’s edition of the newsletter. Wherein you’ll find all that you look out for, sitting right there for you to go through. Special mention’s warranted by September’s Idea-Of-The-Month contest. So as to know why, just guide yourself to the ‘Result’ page and check out the total number of votes registered. And it goes without saying that we, as always, solicit your participation in making your Enlightenment experience richer. Please contribute in big-heartedly with your words, pictures and ideas. Hoping the clarion call gets responded by a rampaging answer.
Till the next time, take care, be well, breathe easy.