Of Problems and more.
Things, off late, don’t seem to be going right. If you drop your optimism goggles for a while and ‘see’ the coffee; probably you’ll get what this article is speaking about. Events are fictious, not related directly or specificall to me, generally 'general' nevertheless.
I mean you reach your hide out. That’s may be a rented apartment in a big city [of course with a BIG rent] you plan out that may be you should talk to your parents about quickly buying your own house; but you can’t , because land at 70,000/- per sq yard isn’t helping the script progress. You all sit together thinking of an investment plan, that’ll [maybe] help you support your post-grad studies, your elder sibling’s marriage, your maid’s sky rocketing service charges, your broom that’s costing you 30/-!, and smaller things that you seem to have lost control over. You get all messed put on the internet to find some better yielding bonds. But lo! your broadband no more works, you get ulti irritated; feel like banging your head against the router [so that the router may get damaged], but it starts at sight of threat. You go for http://www.icicidirect.com/, but before you hit enter, you remember that its your result day [which is being postponed since ever]. You shakingly type http://www.svnit.ac.in/ , go to the page and find that your GPA has a figure, with which you had been happier had it also been the percentage of inflation growth. You get bumbed up, leaving al these ‘future problems’ to your ma n pa you shut down the lappy, and swear to yourself that you’ll start studying like an *unprintable word*, only to know that nothing of this is going to help.
30 mins latter your fone buzzes up, you wish its ‘that’ someone, whome you ‘admire’ but who have no idea about it. But no, its Vodafone telling you that 30/- has being deducted from your balance coz they thought you would like that new caller tune they just put you on, about which you got no friggin idea. You think of sueing the company, but get depressed thinking about the Law procedure that may bite off your leg and hand in the course. You move out of your room, switch on the T.V. see some ‘news’, which only they think is news. Light yellow florescent bars flashing ‘BREAKING NEWS’ in every sq inch of the screen making you realise that Rakhi sawant is may be just 923 KM [or even nearer] away from you…[the thought which makes you want to take a bath]. You browse through 20 of them learning about a 30 mins expert analysis over how a man was bit by a peacock in the indore zoo, how a national poll gave a verdict that yuvraj singh is an eligible bachelor rated higer than dhoni, how a tigress expressed her love to a tiger in a national park and they aren’t speaking metaphorically, how SRK and Amitabh bachchan may be fighting about the single loaf of bread they wanted in BIG BAZAR, how a woman suddenly realised that she was a man; and two more stories depicting vice-versa, and how the nation suddenly realised that these piece of information was something they really needed. You are now frowning, just impending to puke, when you learn that sensex is down by 700 pts, RBI increases REPO rates, home loans are up 1.5% [and your’s floating!!], N-deal isn’t yet through, how 5% of population manifested the capacity to trouble the rest of 95% by blocking rail tracks, how a guy killed his grandmother so that he could see AXN uninterrupted, about aarushi, and all those ‘domestic help no more safe’ stuff [also how news channels are generating TRPs with it], how 4546 people died of due to a quake somewhere, how 3000 went missing due to a lost ferry some where near Philippines, how a man was charged of molesting a minor- 33rd such news since last week, yet another bomb blast killed some of whatever maybe left in Iraq, how ice is melting up at a rate which makes R.K pachuri flash up on BBC every now and then, how Indian cricket team lost the 18th final out of the last 22 with two of the rest being ‘shared’, and how you have no idea of what all other sport India is playing currently.
Now you are upset, you shut your T.V. to move out, you sit in your car hit 1st, move 20 mts forward, hit ‘R’ backing in lot, coz you just remembered that you heard just in news that petrol is 55/- per litre , coz crude oil is at – no I can’t mention it even, too obscene. And you are just to idealist to fill up a 14.2kg LPG in, coz that would be ‘stealing’ as they show in the ads. You set on foot, it rained last night, and thus your foot is all goowy, the drainage system sucks [everything except water] and you have your makeshift swimming pool, maybe Shanghai is such after all. You curse the authorities, for such a mess, for low internet connectivity, for increased price, for lack of law and order, for unattended promises, for not selecting the right sport team, for…for…..you don’t know what. Your brain gets the better of you, it being a natural antidepressant. You shut your mental eyes, and move to a park. You spot a couple happily cuddling away, and find that how your last break-up was such a surprise, coz you were dumped from the 40th floor or something. And your new crush’s secret thought is literally crushing you inside; coz once bitten you are twice shy. You find yourself emotionally imbalanced, alone in messy but romantic climate [the way bollywood puts it], compounded with stupid dreams that do not help the matter at all.
You suddenly think how much more things could not be right, or how much they are wrong. Your prudent brain, which is ready to advice anyone and everyone in adversity, fails to help yourself now. Maybe now your just amplifying minor hiccups or the ‘KALYUG’ is really coming to an end [dated 21st dec 2012 courtesy INDIA TV].
You walk back, just observing extravagant people, supporting their ‘lifestyles’ with fake hairs, costly cosmetics, Gucci wears, sonatas, just because everyone else is doing so, and everyone else is doing so, because the other ‘everyone else’ is doing so. So what? you can shift to a more frugal eating habit, with tomatoes at 20/- kg, it will help you save for ‘flaunt-fest’, attain zero figure [again for flaunt-fest’], and save for that Italian perfume which you want to ‘flaunt’, of whose name you cannot pronounce quite properly, who cares about health, and balanced diet fundas?, you can hit a ‘high end’ gym, that way you can even show off your sonata while driving up to there, cycle economy may be for Mangolia. Bargain deal. Now ‘you’, the real you watching this is frustrated at something even you don’t know what. Coz you find something here is no honest, whatever might that be.
Inflation. State-of-the-world. Sensex. News channels. Needs. Demand. Supply. Life. Love. Recognition. Academics. Future. Placements. Savings. Basic amneties[or rather the lack of it]. Expectations. Desires. Short hands. Ideals. Honesty. Tommorow…. All these words now seem to be never-ending sentences to you. Its may be night by now, you take an imaginary sedative and doze off…..forgetting that there is, after all, a thing called dream.
Phew, now a word, if you really didn’t get what this was about, then be merry, coz you are the happiest person alive…. Neither are you the saddest if got it J
Monday, August 18, 2008
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1 comment:
i dont get it too....
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