It was a downpouring the day we were alloted this hostel. Now to set somethings straight, this isnt one of those 'dream hostels' that exist on campus. I mean what with the leaking, the falling paraphets, and a long history of spooky affairs. And the greatet part is the let down, that students from Nehru Bhavan are made to accomodate this place. On the cover, it looks like been sent from a five star hotel to railway station side 'Hotel Deshent'. Though, to give a first hand account - This Hostle Rocks. Accepted it doesnt have jazzy flooring and in-refelecting CFL lined up, neither does it has...well wait, there isnt any added extra that H( stay had over in terms of infrastructure. Good the post just got smaller.
Anway, so yeah my room here is what philosophy calls as "perfect". It is in proximity to the bathroom but not adjacent to it. It is near to main enterance but not 'on' it (like bora's), it is the groundfloor with no history of ground sagging or snake infiltrations (zoinks!), it has a good amount of white washed walls with no pesky writings on it. This is just awesome.
About the block, well there are some of the most famous dudes of our insti in here. Vijay, manish, Hitesh, Mohit, akhil...the who's who is surrounding me like a pole dancer on ...err...pole? ...Anwway. they all got their signature things going on. And it's fun to a be part of the spectacle.
The bathrooms are ofcourse the shakesspearoan story of devatation, despair and sometimes agony and desperation. They have water coming from orifices not meant to be facilitating a source. The gensis of dripping is the water on the floor above. it is kind of an view, to stand bellow that sepaged ceiling and wonder "how long does it take for the beams to rust within" Now, just like many things in a developing country....yeh bhi chalta hai. People have stopped complainig, restoration is suspended citing the inevitable demolishing of the hostel itself. Despite all this, i love this place.
The morining sun comes directly in my room, and evenings too are calm and serene around. There is sense of solitude all the time, which can be duly avoided when and how you want it to. Thats in a stark contrast to our stay in the railway platform like h9. There, as it so happend, were more people around you than dust particles. Although that setup had its own fans, it kinda got onto my nerves. And the H4 calmness have seemed to return. Ah!...thanks
The food, well its way better than H9 again. The menu is pretty much the same, or i din't give factual accuracy a rat's fart. but ya the quality is definately better. The laundary practise is yet to be experienced.
So, thats it....all in all a very good room, in a good place, in a good hostel, with many people i have been with all along. so yes, i know am gonna njoy this year of peace, tranquility, and calmnes...coupled intrestingly with placemnts, entrances, sems, and peripherals.!!
Time to sleep now!
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