The fact of the matter is, that if a group of people try to churn something as a commune-with no hierarchy involved- they more thatn often hit something awesome which they din fathom they would/can....and this is what precisly happend here.
The 'work' [buehehe] on the first issue began i think on AUG 4th...when a certain group of self appointed head honchos ..[read : me] called up a gathering to set things rolling. A piece of paper did all the talking....and some people listennd....as there were only 'some' of them....and hey, no one yawned...!!
Then some mails were sent, a group created...or rather the other way round i guess, ...anyway stuff started happeing!!...and then came a huge surge of third year and second year people...with a set notion of the newsletter of yester years...they were, i know for one, rather not that, u know, in tune with what the hell is changing???...but hats off to them, for they succumed under the wrath of the Pain-in-The-Arse...lol
The issue write ups got pitched in, section wise, designing got rolloed on, sent to print and then we waited....we waited, I waited...and then it happened...the night of the awesome distribuion. Never Before has that kinda thing happend...i cud track the way it went from one hand to another....my mobile got choked up with the number of feedbacks that we recived!!...it was one heck of a time...
All along this, i kept wondering "How the hell did this happen"....but to be honest- I knew how did this happen. The reason behind this, was this awesome team
The team Renesa - my group of Pretty Party People :-)
We have so many varied beings in here...it almost is like a zoo of sorts. some are crazy, some in the process of being crazy, some averse to the idea of being crazy and some awestruck and averse to and by 'crazy' alike....it's an experience being around these people!!
To go down to each and everyone...lets start with
@Thomas - The guy is in some phase of his life right now...and damn it shows ;)... he squeaky and drunk all the same time....have not turned up for meeting at correct time for once!!... But i know how much of a sine qua non he is ritenow!...
@Ashwin - The guy with "why is nijeesh alive" looks on his face evrytime i open my trap!!....he works in points and talks in them too...the 'to the point' person....ishare a great work order with him...for he works as a huge anchor!!
@Vidya - The cute sparrow... her 'report to him' stance makes me feel like ...oh my goodness...lol. She is one heck of chief editor...tho her statement that "chief editor for one shud work"...took me by storm...i know for sure how important it is to have her as the chief ed!!...
@ Gopu - The jaba...he is the most carefree banda around for sure....but oye you!!- divya bhaskar called me, they want their money!!!!.... he is the most diff sorta 'secretary' there there has been in our coll...or atleast in my dealings.....i cnt explain how...but i know that part for sure.
@Gitu - The lovely little kerala exp!!... Highly opiniated with a tinch of innocence. She is the 'co-sec' to say....but just klike anyother 'post' in renesa....it just is a name!!... she can write her heart out in no matter of time....and has the capacity to take you back "Good Habit" lessons of Sr Kg....:)
@Sandip -...-beep- man this guy rocks...he now is the OSUM thing for Sun thing which does great things around....for whole gujarat thing....but that's just one more badage to his persona....He writes as if no one is reading...and i love him for that!!... [yes, i said it]..his literaly skills can get him onto uncyclopedia board of writers. His knack for site development with his own touch is anything + Awesome + one :)
@Shruti - the funbuff- she is one more cute baby in the group!!...was the reason why renesa was in perpetuation last sem and the sem before that....is very concentrated on the belling the cat rite now...but even after that, her presence in all the meetings and over fone and s tuff..keeps us going....has her own indeispensble presence for sure!!
@Swati - Where the hell do I start from...The empress of the clan....the cutest kid of our whole insti :) .. what with her GRE, she cudnt be around much...but just her name in the magazine and her rumour mills and her fone calls regarding magazine....makes it run like a bull...her preesnce has a sheer energy which transpires thru ppl and initiatives...i know her importance. And soon after sept...u'll too :)
@ Hamid and Raghu - The people taking care of Hindi for renesa ,...man did i make a screw up with hindi in the first issue!!....bapre :) they are taking care that hindi gets it proper share and relevance...and am all for it. They bring in their own touch to whole scene...and it's imperative alike :)
Now, being the asshole that i was in my third year...i always regreted not being in proper touch with my junior batches...that is dilluting rite now...but will take time...of the awesome people in the team from junior batches, i can write something about -
@ Venkat - the guy...which is chocolate personified....way too mellow and sweet while he talks to you.. all the time bubbling with new ideas and an urge to break his own stereotypes!! ....From some reliable sources i have come to learn that he treats me as his teacher...man is he gonna flunk hard ;)
@Krishnan - The marketing 'Nothing' Guy.. has developed his own fan club with being the monkey man!!...but has shown equal capabilities in distribution managements aming other things as well!!....Was screwed by me over a recondite issue...but he emerged like a phoenix...and he got standing ovation in H7...for reasons i dnt knw ;)
@Manjusha - This girl rocks...her selection of bday card for me very nicely explained that she has understood what a laid back, perpetually lazy person i am underneath and overneath lol....I love that anyway. Also, her assertive opinion about - "DOn't consider ur readers mediocre" is what i personlly beloeve in....and am assured that with her onboard...renesa wud run miles after we go away.
@Harshit - Okay, i know he'll kill me for list him fourth,,,lol...but hey dude...u knw why i did that...:) One heck of a person...he has tons of ideas but that much amount of uncertinty with it.,.. his msgs spit fire sometimes and i shrug them off and kid him more....wow i love that...has being writng a lot for a long time....and he'll keep on doing that...if he doesnt...dudee, he's gone!
@Ravi-One more literally shakespear in our clan....and also the operatinal head for bloggers park...has been writing for enuf a time to be a proper informer....and he is on his path to sure be that one day, i full sense of the word...
@Aditya J - The activist rite there for you!!....the intitator, and the one who never cries or makes a face thinking about "How will I do this"....He is the person hu gives things a shot and screws wtevr 'mite happen' thing....this is the guy hu gave us 12k in an even i thomas and gitu won...lol...so i have reasons to like him :)
@Gururpad - The guy, hu's like always there aoround and wanrting to do things....One of the people hu do not feel let down by the things that they 'can't' do....but go on to do that....coz they know that there is no such thing as a 'smart' human being....it's just a matter time. He is the 'senior's junior'...and i hopr you know what that means!!
Rest of the team, i am trying to know them as soon as i can....and without the agenda of Knowing them...i know that perople like Giri, subhash, abhilash, prashant, anshika, rutu, ajay, aditya k, aditya r, kamal, somak, javed etc and all.. are great in their own skin....and i am wanting to see them be out here....as thy already are...for me to append this post at a later stage
That's my team....it's almost emotional thingng about all these peple coz i love them [ya thomas,,...still...not you] ....and this affection is not an attchment, it's not a depency...it's an inter-dependency...an emergent setup....which shows when they meet....
Although to the guys above - "People, i dnt think abt RENESA all the while!!"...lol
This thing was written for the team essentially,....and also for the people outside it...for this year RENESA actually has no team...you are the team...and there cudnt be anything that be more true...
I think i have written enuf...and i know that i have written not for the sake of verbosity, but every word here did count and means something.
I am looking forward to enjoying with them further...they have, as i told them once, set acoustic music to my final year stay in surat
To all the Pretty Party People....you guys rock!!
"cutest kid in the insti"-
(sigh!) i wish someone other than you said that to me nijeesh!
yes....he will one day....:)...oops!
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