Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Does It All Really Matter?

Think about it for a moment, does it? Even if it be a plea from an energy-to-mass-to-energy converting rabble rouser of a certain contraption called “life form” who has revolved only of a total of 22 times around this 1,292,200 kms diameter-ed ball of Helium and Hydrigen illuminating what period we call as “a Day.” Seriously, think about it. 

Our vaunting of a certain aspect of our shared human experience to heights of such greatness that tantamount to some sort of deification or even the downright rejection of the same, interwoven with a certain creed of rage possible only off a high-levelled cock-surety and the farce that is the self-make-belief that one can actually “know it all.” Ask again, does it all really matter? 

Does it all really matter when you imbibe within the results put forth by Stratigraphic analysis of layers and layers of sedimentary rocks and the geo-logic time frame it sets out for us to gape at? Does anything really matter in the larger scheme of things? In the boundless infinity of the ever expanding Universe, where time is measured not by transient human experiences but by huge scale evolutionary changes and cascading magnanimity of this very hugeness that we’ll ever grasp? 

Does your “opinions” your “ideas” your “initiatives” your “wants” hold any true value as a cognisance of anything “real”? When juxtaposed with the vastness of time-space continuum it appears to be nothing more than the speck of grain on the shores of oceans which will inevitably be groped in by the high-minded force of the wave. Does it all really matter when you very well come to acknowledge that in about as small as a morsel of “Time” in the context of planetary geo-chronology, the whole idea behind existence of the Sun, the moon, the Earth, Sachin Tendulkar, you, me, will vaporize and render itself the colour of vagueness? 

Your hyperbolic reverence towards anything does as much to the whole “what matters” part as does you vitriolic bile. Would not all your personal pointless mooning, disdain and woes be forever put to mum by the inevitable spiral of ever increasing entropy? Would the blithe instance of your feeble, fickle existence upon this planet mean anything to the Byrd glacier moving silently through the calm whites of the Antarctic taking almost 10,000 years to do so? Even the faintest of the memory left behind by us bipeds will be lost in the incessant collapse of all the matter under its own self-weight in a sudden spark of cataclysmic catastrophe at a point in the Time dimension. Then, behold. Pause. Aver. Think – Does it all really matter? 

The point is: If you ever find yourself cribbing about how your present isn’t as good as how you over-glorified past was and how your future won’t be as exciting as you want it to be. Then, I am sorry to say this but you have whacked away that brief window of being a cognizant blip on the radar of this Universal timepassery given to you by Nature and the Unknown force of a much much bigger wisdom. 

It will almost be a Laugh Out Loud situation if I were to ever be that person to tell you how better you could utilize this puny tiny little duration of sentience by loving everything unconditionally. Go tell someone you love them and why you don’t know why you love them. And how loving them is not the equivalent of “I want to posses you too.” Call up your 4th grade teacher and tell her that something she told you then makes sense only now and how. Write a heartfelt email to that someone whom you bid farewell at not that hunky-dowry a moment. Then, breathe. Breathe well. Breathe deep. Take stock of the intricate beauty of a dew-flecked cobweb shall you will. Smile. Talk. Live. 

In the end, though, even these all won’t matter either. Not at all in the great and ever-widening chasm of geological time. But, maybe, in these scrawny ticks of the clock and emotion is when and how you’ll be able to guilt-freely escape from the existential dread of your daily self-over-thunk “predicaments.” Trust me, if that matters to you that is, the past is nothing but a collective memory subject to permanent annihilation shall there be a sudden world-wide Amnesia attack. The future is nothing if a hasty asteroid floating carelessly in the deep of the dark decides to direct its trajectory and renders it a direction which culminates upon your living room. It’s all here and now. This moment, yes this one – The one that just came in as another one just went by – is, maybe, all that there is. And, at the risk of sounding sure, all that does matter. Or doesn't.


Jubin Mehta said...

I loved the style of writing but isn't this post a bit like disturbing the evolutionary chronology? I mean we already knew this and so did you (maybe aeons ago). A post of this intensity on this particular topic would have been apt for somewhere during the start of college life =P You're way above this.

Adithya Kalley said...

I liked Jubin's point. At the same time, it is interesting to note that Nijeesh writes this after all that. . .I think his style drives him through this..

Nijeesh Sayz said...

Just a lil perspective sprinkling, friends.

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